Disk operating system (DOS) is that the underlying software system of Microsoft Windows®. This software system was created by International Business Machines (IBM) within the early Eighties to manage personal computers. A DOS editor may be a text editor that's enclosed with DOS, that manages text-based files inside a data file system.
The DOS editor may be a menu-driven editor that doesn't use a mouse. The menus within the editor area unit organized to figure with compound hot keys victimization the "ALT" key and so a letter of the command. As AN example, "Alt-F" may be a crosscut key for gap the file menu. victimization the editor takes apply however will be learned quickly by victimization the web facilitate options.
This editor computer code is freely on the market with all Windows®-based in operation systems. To access this technique a user ought to run the “CMD” program from a Windows®-run prompt. this can open a DOS prompt, which is able to enable the execution of the DOS editor once the user varieties the word “EDIT.”
The DOS editor is AN older version of writing computer code. It doesn't offer the subtle options that area unit wide on the market on most up-to-date editors. The editor is often used for manipulating files on a Windows-based software system. These area unit the configuration files that area unit wont to manage the underlying software system.
Batch files area unit files that execute commands inside AN software system or programing language. These area unit script-based files which will execute loops of logic. The DOS editor provides a technique to edit batch files. These files will be changed and saved on the native filing system.
An inexperienced laptop owner ought to watch out once victimization the DOS editor. This program can enable a user to delete and manipulate important Windows® files. If these files become corrupted as a result of AN accidental modification, the Windows® software system might become unusable. this might end in a whole system failure.
There area unit many DOS commands which will be used inside the editor. These commands area unit written within the variety of scripts inside the editor file. These scripts will then be dead to perform system administration tasks on the pc.
Before victimization DOS commands, it's suggested that the pc user review the MS-DOS technical documentation. This documentation provides an honest primer on what every command will. making a batch practicable file may be a powerful administration tool that ought to be employed by fully fledged MS-DOS users. Some DOS commands have the power to erase the complete software system. this will cause serious injury to the pc filing system.