The Maya kept time with a combination of several cycles that meshed together to mark the movement of the sun, moon and Venus. Mayan calendar of rituals, known as the Tzolkin, was composed of 260 days. This Mayan calendar pairs the numbers from 1 through 13 with a sequence of the 20 day-names shown below. It works something like our days of the week pairing with the numbers of the month. Thus you might have 1-Imix (similar to Sunday the 1st) followed by 2-Ik (just as you would have Monday the 2nd). When you get to 13-Ben, the next day would start the numbers over again, thus 1-Ix, 2-Men etc. It will take 260 days before the cycle gets back to 1-Imix again (13 x 20).
The symbols shown below represent the 20 day-names and are identified with their Yucatec names, pronunciation and approximate translation. The name, meaning and symbol can vary in different Maya languages. Also, each day can be represented with more elaborate glyphs known as "Head Variants" - a formal writing system which can be loosely compared to our script alphabet versus our print alphabet.
IMIXee meshwaterlily, world
AK'BALok bolnight-house
K'ANk' onmaize
CHIKCHANcheek chonsnake
KIMIkee medeath
MANIK'ma neek'hand
LAMATla motVenus
MULUK'mul ok'water
CHUENchew inmonkey
KABANkah bonearth
ETZ'NABehts' nobflint, knife
KAWAKkah wokstorm
AHAWah how Lord
The Classic Mayan civilization was unique and left us a way to incorporate higher dimensional knowledge of time and creation by leaving us the Tzolkin calendar. Mayan calendars we use today. The present calendar ends in the year 2012.
By tracking the movements of the Moon, Venus, and other heavenly bodies, the Mayans realized that there were cycles in the Cosmos. From this came their reckoning of time, and a calendar that accurately measures the solar year to within minutes.
The "Calendar Round" is like two gears that inter-mesh, one smaller than the other. One of the 'gears' is called the tzolkin, or Sacred Round. The other is the haab, or Calendar Round.

The Tzolkin consisted of 13 months each 20 days long, and the Haab of 18 months each 20 days long, and five rest days, thus making 365 days. The date was written using both rounds. For example, "6 lk 10 Camber" might be the same as if we wrote "20 June 30 Gemini." (Haab - Calendar round / 20 June, and Tzolkin - Sacred round / 30 Gemini.) As both thesewheels turned so passed the Mayan calendar years. Every 52 years the cycle began again. It was on one of these auspicious years that Cortez landed, thus giving credence to his god image.
Archeologists - claim that the Maya began counting time as of August 31, 3114 B.C. This is called the zero year and is likened to January 1, AD. All dates in the Long Count begin there, so the date of the beginning of this time cycle is written 13-0-0-0-0. That means 13 cycles of 400 years will have passed before the next cycle begins, which is December 27, 2012. The new cycle will begin as 1-0-0-0-0.
A day was called a "kin", and still is today. A 20 day month was a "uinal", one solar year was a "tun", 20 tuns a "katun", and 20 katuns were a "baktun", 13 of which take us back to the August 13, 3114 B.C. date.
Another notable date is 9-9-2-4-8 or July 29, 615 AD when the great King of Palenque, Lord Pakal ascended to the throne.
These dates are carved in stone throughout the Mayan territory, and the numbers can be seen by anyone. Using a vestigial system (they counted all the fingers and toes) and only three characters (we use ten) the Maya could string together very large numbers, these were read from the bottom up. So Pakal ascended on 9-9-2-4-8, that would read:
9 baktuns - 3600 years
9 katuns - 180 years
2 tuns - 730 days
4 uinals - 80 days
8 kin - 8 days
These numbers, if we begin at August 13, 3114 BC, will give us a date in the 7th century that corresponds to the date Pakal took the throne in Palenque.The Maya also understood the concept of zero, and wrote it like a shell.
With the new century almost upon us time takes on more meaning. January 1, 2000 would be written 12-19-6-1-0 in the Long Count.
The Sacred Round would be 9 Ahau and the Haab designation would be 8 Kankin. Thus the Calendar Round would be 9 Ahau 8 Kankin.
So for the Maya there was a time for everything and every thing had it's place in time. The priest used this to their advantage; due to their abilities to interpret the heavens and calendar, they could control the daily activities of the populace. Knowing when to plant, when to harvest, the rainy and dry seasons, etc. gave them total power and control. Their comprehension of time, seasons, and cycles was immense. If the reader is interested in further studies in this (admittedly, complex!) area, I recommend Linda Shele's fine books,
A Forest of Kings and
The Blood of Kings.
The Wheels of Time ground exceeding fine for the Maya. To be able to predict the seasons for farmers and astronomical events for religious rites, they utilized a calendar of two meshing, repeating cycles. Maya mathematicians could project this calendar millions of years in the past and the future, time had no beginning, no end. The Mays recorded numbers with a system of bars and dots. a dot equals one, a bar stands for five. The smaller wheels together represent the 260-day Sacred Round; the inner wheel, with the numbers one to thirteen, meshes with the glyphs for the 20 day names on the outer wheel. A section of a large wheel represents part of the 365-day year - 18 months of 20 days each (numbered 0-19). The five days remaining at year's end were considered evil. In the diagram, the day shown is read 4 Ahua 8 Cumka. As the wheels turn in the direction of the arrows, in four days it will read 8 Kan 12 Cumku. Any day calculated on these cycles would not repeat for 18,980 days - 52 years.
- "The Maya - Riddle of the Glyphs" National Geographic Magazine
A steadily quickening flow of earth changes has become so apparent in 1995 that even traditional media are paying attention. Earth transformation was the cause of celebration of the Harmonic Convergence initiated by Jose & Lloydine Arguelles in August, 1987, and the Time Shift on July 26, 1992. The Time Shift marked the time in history when the planet entered a new sequencing of energy that after a magnetic pole shift in 2000, will be complete in December, 2012. With the energy sequencing complete in 2012, Timeship Earth will launch her voyage into fourth dimensional time in 2013.
The map of planetary transformation into a new dimensional time stream was plotted in the Mayan calendar and interpreted by Jose & Lloydine in the Dreamspell. In the 1950s, Euro-American astronomers ran headlong into the stunning reality that Native Americans were masters of a sophisticated astronomy previously unrecognized. Since the New World was conquered, the Europeans had believed that Native Americans were ignorant of astronomy. In fact, the Native American concept was completely different than the European and thus not recognized. Where European astronomers tracked large objects, such as the sun and moon, in direct courses, the Native Americans tracked small objects relative to large objects, a far more complex and accurate system. The two systems perceived the heavens from such radically different view points, that the Europeans did not recognize the Native American system as astronomy.
The Ancient Maya, and the remains of their cosmic culture, are still enshrouded in mystery and confusion. To this day, much of what archeologists base their findings upon is founded on guesses, not facts. Theories and speculations fill the history books. It looks like we may never understand what the Maya are saying to us. Like a giant cosmic joke, the riddles and puzzles left behind by the Maya are still as much of a mystery today, as they were when they were first discovered by the Spanish.
Maybe understanding the Tzolk'in with only the mental body was not the approach the Mayas themselves intended. As we can see, the archeologists are still guessing, with decades of research behind them. If the Maya intended us to understand their knowledge of the universe, they would have to leave remains behind that would bridge all cultures, languages, and all levels of education. This is what the Maya have done. Without a doubt I can tell you the knowledge of the cosmos is available to all. It is available to those who can open their hearts to the wonder and curiosity of the universe once again. The encoding of the calendar is intuitive and is remembered with feelings. It is also very mental and can be learned with study. As daykeeper, Hunbatz Men has told me, we need to use all our bodies to remember everything. The physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies are needed. Without desire, wonder and curiosity there is no intention to remember. Without study there is no understanding. To reconnect to the cosmos and receive information from the Sun, as the Maya do, one must not only place intention by physical study, but desire to remember! As we move our physical bodies into action to study, the intuitive side will just kick in, but desire is most important and quite essential. That's it! This is what the Maya intended.
The calendar with it's twenty Sun/glyphs are cosmic memory activation tools that intuitively interacts with your body's memory, your DNA. The calendar is not only an incredibly accurate map of the cycles of the cosmos, but is also a tool to accelerate and activate your memory into recalling the truth behind the mystery of the cosmos. Each glyph is charged with precise information in the form of feelings or emotions to help active you in a very personal and individual way. Each person will remember their own personal perspective of the truth based on their place in the calendar system. This is not something you need to learn, it is something you will remember.
So here we are, all of us just itching to remember. We have a haunting feeling of something forgotten looming just out of reach, lying just beyond the veil of our own created, limiting reality. I am asking you to have to courage to plow thought this barrier of limitation and remember the totality of who you are, to live in your own personal integrity.
You will need to commit to this for a while. Memory activation does not create instant results. Activation takes place in stages and layers. At first you will find the sacred calendar quite mental. If you find yourself mentally fuzzing out when you begin to place your attention on these teachings, understand that this is a common problem. You are just coming face to face with your own personal limitation program. You are hitting a time/space dimensional barrier and your body is saying I can't do this, I can't remember everything. I can't be limitless." I say you can, and you will. It is you destiny to do so.
This is a new year challenge. Commit yourself to remembering the totality of who you are by following these calendars for one earth cycle, just a short 365 days. Place your intention for just a few minutes every day on the Mayan day instead of the linear Gregorian day. Get your body cycling with the cosmos again, instead of the ticking clock. Move into the undulating, spiraling, ascending energy of the cosmos. Watch the sun rise and set. Watch the moon rise and set. Soon you will begin to dream with more detail. You will feel more deeply. Understand more clearly. You will feel a part of a much bigger whole. You will remember little pieces of information. They will just pop into you head. If this sounds good to you, lets get started.
The Basics of the Mayan CalendarThe Maya understood 17 different Calendars based on the Cosmos. Some of these calendars go back as far as ten million years and are so difficult that you would need an astronomer, astrologer, geologist, and a mathematician just to work out the calculations. Lucky for us we only need to work with three of these calendars. The calendars that are most important to beings of earth are the Haab, the Tun-Uc and the Tzolk'in. The Tzolk'in is the most important and the one with the most influence.
The Haab is based in the cycles of earth. It has 360 + 5 days, totaling 365 days. The Haab uses 18 months with 20 days in each month. There is a 19th month called a Vayeb and uses the 5 extra days. Each month has it's own name/glyph. Each day uses a sacred sun/glyph.
The Tun-Uc is the moon calendar. It uses 28 day cycles that mirrors the women's moon cycle. This cycle of the moon is broken down into 4 smaller cycles, of 7 day each. These smaller cycles are the four phases of moon cycle. Portal days (p), on the calendar provided marks days using mathematics of 28 and their fore have a connection with the moon cycles.
The Tzolk'in is the Sacred calendar of the Maya and is based on the cycles of the Pleiadies. The cycle of the Pleiadies uses 26,000 years, but is reflected in the calendar we are using by encompassing 260 days. It uses the sacred numbers 13 and 20. The 13 represents the numbers and 20 represents the sun/glyphs. The Tzolk'in has four smaller cycles called seasons of 65 days each guarded by the four suns of Chicchan, Oc, Men and Ahau. There are also Portal days within the Tzolkin that create a double helix pattern using 52 days and the mathematics of 28. This sacred calendar is still being used for divination by the traditional Maya all over the Yucatan, Guatemala, and Belize, and Honduras.
The Tzolkin calendar was meshed with a 365-day solar cycle called the "Haab". The calendar consisted of 18 months with 20 days (numbered 0-19) and a short "month" of only 5 days that was called the Wayeb and was considered to be a dangerous time. It took 52 years for the Tzolkin and Haab calendars to move through a complete cycle.
These are the Mayan words for periods of time: Day = Kin (keen)
Month of 20 days = Uinal (wee nal)
Year of 360 days = Tun (toon)
20 Tuns = K'atun (k' ah toon)
20 K'atuns = Baktun (bock toon)
During their stay on earth the Cosmic Maya carried the burden of time. Cosmicly aware of cycles of time they were bound, as we are, by walking through time in a linear fashion. They were aware that beings of earth had lost the natural ability to ride the cycles of time/light/energy, to time travel. It is also known by the Cosmic Maya that this present linear fashion of time will transform into multidimensionality, and will not be limited to linear time on earth much longer. Now isn't this why we came here to remember and to witness at this time? Do you remember? "Evam maya e ma ho" All hail to the harmony of all mind and nature.