The process of repairing the broken Samsung Galaxy S4 screen assembly is similar to the process of disassembling the Galaxy S4, which is much easier than replacing the
Galaxy S4 screen glassonly. Since the Samsung Galaxy S4 have many different colors, you could change your Sapphire front glass into white or pink one to make it different.
How to Repair the Cracked Samsung Galaxy S4 Screen Assembly
Stuff needed:
1. Power off the Galaxy S4, then remove the back cover and battery.
2. Use Small Phillips Screwdriver to release the 9 screws on the rear housing.
3. Take out the loud speaker assembly.
4. Put the case opening tool into the screen S4 display assembly and the middle frame to release the clips around the edge. Then use Tweezers to open the clip inside the battery compartment. Now you can remove the S4 middle frame.
5. Use case opening tool to disconnect the 9 connectors, and pick out the antenna.
6. Insert the case opening tool to loosen the adhesive on the USB board carefully. Pick out the USB port metal shield with the help of Tweezers.
7. Use case opening tool to gently remove the USB cable which is adhered to the front housing by strong double-side adhesive. Then take out the USB port board.
8. Undo 2 screws on the motherboard to release the board and remove it.
9. Use Tweezers to pick out the head phone jack, front facing camera and its metal shield, proximity sensor flex cable, ear speaker and vibrating motor. Now only left the broken S4 screen assembly with frame.
10. Get a new replacement screen display with frame for SGS4. Install the vibrating motor, earpiece, proximity sensor cable back on the S4 display assembly and front housing.
11. Assemble the front facing camera, the metal shield head phone jack.
12. Install the motherboard to the S4 LCD assembly with frame, and connect all the connectors.
13. Reinstall the charging port cable, the metal shield, the antenna. Then use 2 screws to fasten the motherboard.
14. Install the rear housing and the loud speaker assembly. And fasten them with 9 screws.
15. Put on the S4 battery and battery cover, and turn on the device to make sure it works as normal.